Secure your website and customer data

SSL Certificates by Sectigo

Secito SSL certificates

When a user clicks on a website link, their browser looks at the SSL certificate to see if the site is trustworthy. Without an SSL certificate, many browsers will block your site or warn users it isn’t trusted. This will reduce traffic and limit your reach. We offer our clients the world-class cost-effective Sectigo PositiveSSL certificate which covers up to 99.6% of all browsers and mobile devices. 

There is no paperwork or complicated process and it only takes a few minutes to set up. 

Increase customer trust in your business now with an SSL certificate. Scroll down to get started.

Why do you need an SSL certificate?

Static Site Seal

Every PositiveSSL certificate comes with a free site seal logo to show visitors to the site that you are fully SSL certified and have invested in a high level of online protection.    

Domain Validation SSL

No matter the size or type of business you have, we can process you a DV SSL certificate with no paperwork required. Once you’ve passed us domain name verification via one of the safe available methods, e.g. email, DNS CNAME or a HTTP hash file. We will send you your certificate promptly and securely.

Improve Your SEO Rank

Our services employ modifications and techniques to improve your website’s rank on the google search engine. Google is the most used search engine in the world, so your google ranking can make a huge difference in how visible your brand is to your potential customers. We can optimise your rank and bring your brand into the forefront of the online space for your industry.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an SSL Certificate?
An SSL Certificate is a digital certificate issued for a domain by a central authority called the Certificate Authority. To be issued an SSL Certificate, you must purchase an SSL Certificate and then go through a verification process conducted by the Certificate Authority.
Why should I buy an SSL Certificate?
An SSL Certificate does 2 things:

a. Encrypt the information sent from your user’s browser to your website
b. Authenticate your website’s identity.

By doing these 2 things, an SSL Certificate protects your customers and in turn increases their trust in your online business. This is especially important if your website requires users to login using passwords or enter sensitive information such as credit card details.

Do SSL Certificates work in all browsers?
SSL Certificates are compatible with all major browsers.
Can I upgrade my SSL Certificates?
Unfortunately, we don’t support upgrades/downgrades at the moment. If required you can purchase a new certificate and install it on the same web server as the old certificate
Do I need technical expertise to set up an SSL Certificate on my website?
While it isn’t difficult to install an SSL Certificate, it does involve following a series of steps. We also offer SSL Certificate installation as a service.
What do i need to do for the installation service you offer?
We need a forwarder being setup for redirecting emails to, once this is done we can verify your business and manage the installation to the web server and your website.
How long does it take to get my website secure?
Once we have the email forwarder setup, it usually takes between 1 and 2 hours to facilitate, however in some cases and depending on the accuracy of your information it can take up to 2 business days to validate.

It will take longer to verify an EV SSL or OV SSL due to the nature of these certificates.

Get In Touch

Find out how we can make a big impact for your business 0333 8000 007